by Mella Davis | Apr 8, 2023 | Poetry
Never Alone We never walk alone because Jesus experienced being forsaken, rejected, and abused in our place. He knows how we feel because He bore it all for us. He has promised to come again and receive us unto Himself. He is preparing a place for us to live with Him...
by Mella Davis | Apr 6, 2023 | Poetry
He Knows, He Understands Harsh daily realities, especially abuse born in our youth, may cause some of us to doubt God’s lovingkindness. But it is for this very reason that He sent His Son Jesus to live as a man and die an excruciating death, so we could know...
by Mella Davis | Mar 31, 2023 | Poetry
Oh What Salvation and Love With Jesus’ death on the cross, the second Adam restored us to a right relationship and fellowship with God and one another. To do so, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness...
by Mella Davis | Mar 20, 2023 | Poetry
He’d Do It All Over Again “He’d Do It All Over Again” Barabbas, a murderer,Insurrectionist, a fraudSet free instead ofJesus, the very Son of God. Another common thief, a liar, condemned to a Roman cross with none to grieve or consider his death...
by Mella Davis | Feb 8, 2023 | Poetry
Cauldron of Fire Cauldron of Fire Burns and boils a cauldron of fire full of unrighteous, wrathful desire, kindled by men’s venomous ire, unleashing torment, misery, and dread. No one seems to have time for the dead; Spewing hateful epithets and racist names,...
by Mella Davis | Jan 27, 2023 | Poetry
I Could Count “I Could Count” I could count sunrisesand sunsets. But why? When You hold Each one in your palm. Creator of sun, moon,and stars. But stillcall each by name, Stardust in your eyes. The sea, a dripon tongue. The wavesa frothy mustacheon your upturned lip....