Welcome to Mella Davis, Writes!

I want to invite you on a journey with me. I desire to speak fearlessly for my heavenly King and pen messages of victory, truth, and healing in each sentence. May you find every poem, devotional, or story a God-glorifying canvass. May each message contain revelation, wisdom, and intimacy with the persons of the holy Trinity.

I am honored that you are joining me on this adventure as I pen words that seek to fearlessly make known the mystery of God’s redemptive purpose in our human stories within HIStory.



                              About Mella

In high school, I felt truly gifted to do one small thing: write. Recently, God has sparked writing again in my heart for a profound reason: the world needs an honest word of refreshing right now.

Truthfully, I think I came out the womb babbling. Words are in my veins. As a young child, I made up rhymes and created imaginary worlds- a way to escape societal and private hardship.

Later, I began my author pilgrimage as a poet, but children’s literature now also stirs my heart. I compose from my Texas roots. My love of African oral lore and cultural traditions serve as the basis of much of my fiction. My stories illustrate the perseverance, strength, and fortitude that created Black success in America.

As an ethnographer and educational missionary, I’ve had the opportunity to experience and do life in many different cultural venues. These multicultural experiences influence both my poetry and devotionals. But God remains at the center of it all. His healing presence always made manifest.




Just As You Are

Just As You Are

I have recently written a series of poems about losing a dear friend. I find that I am processing my grief as I write. I hope that these poems bless you. "Leaving the crowd, they took Him along with them in the boat, just as He was" (Mark 4:36).Just as you are, I'll...


Bella Maps the Road to Freedom 3

Bella Maps the Road to Freedom 3

Constance remembered when she first knew that she wanted to sing opera. The family was gathered around the family radio when a shock of electricity entered the room. They had been listening to reports about WWII; they breathlessly hoped for good news that would end...

Bella Maps the Road to Freedom 2

Bella Maps the Road to Freedom 2

Here's an excerpt from my book trailer of Bella Maps the Road to Freedom. Matthew, Bella’s teenage cousin, thinks that he is already a man. While he listens to Great-Great Grandpa Guy’s encounter with the Ku Klux Klan, his opinion may change. As the circuit riding...

Bella Maps the Road to Freedom

Bella Maps the Road to Freedom

Here's to the pioneer spirit of Marian Anderson and Leotyne Price. Enjoy this excerpt from Bella Maps the Road to Freedom. Artwork By Jo Scott. “Constance smoothed her black recital dress. Leaning over, she dusted the grime from her patent leather pumps. First...


Let’s not waste a moment of our liberty

Let’s not waste a moment of our liberty

It took a special kind of grit to walk off the plantation with nothing but faith and the clothes on one’s back. But, friend, that's what many Texas slaves did as soon as they learned they were free on June 19,1865. That goal of freedom pushed them to establish...

Holes In The Ground

Holes In The Ground

Enjoy this faith-building tale. Where we often see impossibility, that’s the greatest place to grow faith. This short moral tale is part of an ongoing series – the brain child of John-Henry Burnett and part of the arts ministry at Worcester Gemeente Church. Artwork...
