Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice

by | Apr 16, 2022 | Poetry

Barabbas, a murderer,
Insurrectionist, a fraud
Set free instead of
Jesus, the very Son of God.

A common thief, a liar,
condemned to die upon a Roman cross
with none to grieve
or consider his death a loss.

A fate well-deserved
Justice to be served.

For equally bound that day
to a tree at Calvary
was the perfect sacrifice
who would set him free.

Then, the thief cried out,
looking at the atoning Lamb
“When you enter your Kingdom,
Lord, please remember me.”

Pinned beside the robber,
nailed to another cruel cross

Jesus, in a voice so hoarse,
declared, to the weary thief
“Today, in paradise, You will be
with me.”

Each of the thief’s days numbered
by Creator God above,
he was destined on his last one
to experience Abba’s ultimate love.

Grace abounds.
The lost is now found.

“Never have I forgotten you,” said
the look in Jesus’ eyes.
See my palm.
Your name, inscribed inside.

Nails pierced God’s own Son,
the flogging of the rod, drenched
in His own blood.
Bruised, rejected, crushed for all our sins.

For any Barabbas, thief, liar, sinner, or cheater, He would die all over again.