Jesus said that “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” That is the whole total of the Gospel. The return to the Father’s house. When Adam and Eve sinned, we lost our place, we lost our identity, we lost our way. So Jesus’s promise that He is the way, the truth and the life as spoken of in John 14:6 is telling us that He is the way back to the Father’s house. Back to identity, back to the relationship and thus back to peace. Peace in the Jewish sense, Shalom- wholeness in spirit, soul and body.
We have all had bad guides, perhaps a father who wasn’t a father. A mother who wasn’t a mother. Friends who chased after the next best thing that was in front of them: wealth, security, fame, fortune, acceptance. Relationships based on not being our best or truest self. Jesus says that He has come to show us another way. He has come as a good guide.
Sometimes we rely on our head knowledge, but what we need is a heart revelation of the person of the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who then becomes the very lamb of God, Taking on the sins of His own sheep. Laying down His life for His own sheep. How well do we know this good Shepherd?
The Shepherd who lays down His life for us and He walks with us through our most difficult journeys. The one who is the Waymaker. The one who is the path smoother. The one who leads us into the gates of life. For it is in His presence that we find the fullness of joy. May we come to know Him as compassionate and faithful, generous and true, gracious and merciful and wise.